Table of contents
Issue Overview
The customer connect the app with O365, and the token is generated. But while using EQA, queries return 0.
Potential Causes
The app does not have the required permission to fetch users, so it returns zero users.
{'error': {'code': 'Authorization_RequestDenied', 'message': 'Insufficient privileges to complete the operation.', 'innerError': {'date': '2024-03-05T14:23:22', 'request-id': '27ae1e9d-8ded-454e-93d6-01b70063d8ce', 'client-request-id': '27ae1e9d-8ded-454e-93d6-01b70063d8ce'}}}
Step-by-step Solution
Go to Azure portal/Entra portal > Applications > Enterprise application.
Search and go to the RH EQA application (Email Protection) > Click Permissions under the security tab > Check the permissions and also if there’s a grant consent admin button available. (Don’t click on admin consent yet).
Go to RH portal > EQA > Settings > Delete O365 connection.
Return to the Permissions screen > Click Grant admin consent > Accept permissions from the popup.
Go back to the RH portal > Build a connection using the same email address used for Azure permissions.
Create a new query and test.