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Whitelist by Email Header in Google Workspace
Written by Karthek S
Updated over 10 months ago

If your company uses Google Workspace, you can whitelist through the email header. To do this, set up a Content Compliance rule for emails with Right-Hand's email header. This ensures that our simulated phishing emails reach your users' inboxes

To whitelist Right-Hand by email header in Google Workspace, follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Google Admin account and select Apps.


  2. Select Google Workspace.

  3. Navigate to the section titled "Service Status" and select "Gmail".

  4. Within the Gmail section, select "Compliance".

  5. Go to the Content Compliance section.


  7. Choose the "Inbound" and "Internal - receiving" checkboxes in the "Email messages to affect" field.

  8. Go to the Expressions tab and select the initial dropdown menu.

  9. Opt for "If ANY of the following match the message" from the initial dropdown menu.

  10. Click Add.

  11. Modify the configurations within the "Add expressions that describe the content you want to search for in each message" section. Refer to the below screenshot and the provided list for more details on these settings.

    A. Choose "Advanced content match" from the initial dropdown menu.

    B. Choose "Full headers" in the Location field.

    C. In the Match type field, select Contains text.

    D. Within the Content field, input the header text that is specific to your organization.

    E. Click SAVE.

  12. Under the "If the above expressions match, do the following" field, check the box labeled "Bypass spam filter for this message" under the Spam category.

    We advise initiating a test phishing campaign for yourself or a small group to ensure whitelisting is successful. Please wait up to an hour for the settings to take effect before testing.

Please note: Implement this setting only if your organization uses a cloud-based spam filter with Google Workspace. If your email system solely relies on Google Workspace, consider IP address whitelisting instead. For more details, see our "Steps to Whitelist IP Address in Google Workspace/Google Apps" article. Also, whitelist Right-Hand's IP addresses or hostnames in your cloud-based spam filter to guarantee successful email delivery.

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