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How do I add a new employee and send invites?
Soumalya Mitra avatar
Written by Soumalya Mitra
Updated over a week ago

You can add new employees from the Employees- List page. Follow the steps below to add a new employee:

  1. Navigate to Company Management > Employees > List > +Add new.

  2. In the New Employee pop-up, type the following:

    1. First Name: The first name of the employee.

    2. Last Name: The last name of the employee.

    3. Email: The email address of the employee. The email address acts as a unique identity of an employee. The employee portal will display an employee twice if they have registered two different emails with the same name.

    4. Access Level: Select if the employee will have Admin or Employee access.

    5. User Group: Select the user group to which the employee will belong.

    6. Office Location: Select the office location of the employee.

    7. Department: Select the department of the employee.

    8. Manager: Select the manager of the employee.

    9. Employee Type: Select if the employee is a full-time, contractor, and so on.

  3. To invite the employee, check the Send Invite checkbox.

  4. Click Save Changes.

The employee will appear on the Employees page.

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