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Training Notification Settings
Soumalya Mitra avatar
Written by Soumalya Mitra
Updated over a week ago

The Training Notifications Settings page helps you define rules such as slide display time, set passing score, generate training certificate, and so on for the training slides. To define the rules, navigate to Management > Settings > Training.

The Notification settings are divided into 3 sections. They are:


The Content section allows you to define the duration of the slide, passing score, generating a certificate, and so on.

  1. Estimated duration- This is the duration taken by the employees to finish each slide of the training. Each slide runs for 15 seconds by default, however, you can specify your own time (in seconds).

    If you click the reset button, all values will be reset to the default 15 seconds duration.

  2. Passing Score slider- This is the minimum passing score required by the employees to pass the training. You can configure the minimum passing score by dragging the slider to the left or right. While you drag the slider, the percentage changes accordingly.

  3. Training Recommendation- You can enable this option to display the next recommended training in the last slide of any completed training.

  4. Certified Education Unit- You can define the CEU count from here. 1 CEU=N number of training modules.

  5. Show Training Score- You can enable this option if you would like to show the training score on the last slide of the training.

  6. Generate Certificate- You can select from the drop-down when a certificate has to be generated for a training readiness campaign.

  7. Show Training Hint- You can enable this option if you would like to show hints on the training slides.

  8. Configure Timer On Slides- You can define the number of seconds an employee has to wait to click the Next button (it is disabled by default for the configured time) to move to the next slide. You can add a value equal to or greater than zero seconds. Clicking on Reset changes the value to a default of 4 seconds.

    1. Apply to slides only: If enabled, the slider timer settings will apply only to slides in a training module.

    2. Apply to slides preview only: If enabled, the slide timer settings will apply only to slides in a training module in the preview mode only.

Click Update to save your settings.


The Reminders section allows you to determine how frequently employees should be notified to complete the assigned training if it failed or was left incomplete.

  1. Incomplete Training Reminder- This option sends a reminder if the employee did not complete an assigned training. You will have to select the frequency of the interval between each reminder from the drop-down. The employee would be notified thrice between the set frequency.

  2. Failed Training Reminder- This option sends a reminder if the employee failed the training. You can select the frequency of the interval between each reminder from the drop-down.

Click Update to save your settings.


You can define if you would like to receive feedback or a survey, and show instant responses on the slides from this section.

  1. Survey- Enabling this option will display a survey instead of feedback on the last slide.

  2. Instant Training Response- Enabling this option will show an instant response if the employees answer a question incorrectly.

Click Update to save your settings.

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