Here is a detailed explanation of how you can analyze your first Phishing Campaign.
Access the list of campaigns
To access the phishing campaign report, navigate to Risk Assessment > Campaigns.
You can analyze a particular campaign by using the Filter drop-down. Select the options from Campaign Group, Campaign Type, and Date fields, as shown below. The campaigns will appear based on your filter.
Basic Campaign Details
This section displays basic campaign details such as the type, name and status (completed or in progress) of campaign, campaign risk score, total emails delivered and total emails opened.
Campaign Engagement Trends
This section displays a chart of the various engagements in the current campaign during a selected time period.
Campaign Engagement Metrics
This section displays the campaign's engagement metrics. Clicking on each metric will open a detailed campaign statistics page about the performance.
Data Submitted:
- Applies to templates where the dynamic landing page is not enabled.
Attachment Open:
- This metric is only applicable to templates with attachments.
- Percentage is calculated based on users who received templates with attachments
View Details:
- You can click on View Details for each metric to see the list of employees associated with that behavior
Detailed Campaign Statistics
This section displays the details about the performance and engagement of the campaign users. The data automatically updates when you click on each campaign engagement metric. You can use the Search option to quickly search an employee. The Get CSV option generates a detailed report and send it to your inbox.
Recent Clickers
This section displays the campaign users who clicked on the phishing simulation email.
Recent Data Submitters
This section displays the list of campaign users who submitted data by clicking through the phishing simulation email.
Recent Reporters
This section displays the list of campaign users who reported the phishing simulation email sent as part of this campaign.
Browsers Segregation
This section displays the segregation of browsers the campaign users used to access the phishing simulation email.
Departments Segregation
This section displays the segregation of departments the campaign users belong to.
Office Locations Segregation
This section displays the segregation of office location the campaign users belong to.
Campaign Attributes
This section displays the attributes of the campaign such as campaign title, dates, sender profile used, email template used and landing page used. You can click on the View Email Templatea to see the email template or landing page and various other configurations you used in a template used in the campaign.
Location Map
This section displays the location of the campaign users who have engaged with the phishing simulation on a map.