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Office Locations
Soumalya Mitra avatar
Written by Soumalya Mitra
Updated over a week ago

You can add, edit, or delete office locations by following the below steps:

  1. Navigate to Management > Company Management > Office Location.

Add an office location

Edit an office location

Delete an office location

  1. Click + Add New. A pop-up appears.

  2. In the Title field, type the title.

  3. In the Location drop-down, select the location.

  4. Click Save Changes.

  1. Click the edit button adjacent to the location you want to edit.

  2. A pop-up with the current location details will appear from where you can make the required changes.

  3. Click Save Changes.

  1. Click the trash can button adjacent to the location you want to delete.

  2. A pop-up appears asking you to confirm your actions.

  3. Click Ok. The location would be successfully deleted.

You can use the Sort Filter and Search by Name options to further sort and filter your search.

You can view the total number of location and also Refresh the page using the refresh option.

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