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How do I enable SSO/SAML on OKTA Manually and via OKTA marketplace and XML
How do I enable SSO/SAML on OKTA Manually and via OKTA marketplace and XML
Soumalya Mitra avatar
Written by Soumalya Mitra
Updated over a week ago

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Enabling OKTA manually

In order to enable OKTA using SAML, you must first create a new application in your OKTA profile. Once that's done, follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Okta Dashboard > Applications.

2. Click Create App Integration.

3. Select SAML2.0 on the app integration screen and then click Next.

4. Click Right-Hand Cybersecurity in the App name field. Once you're done with the setup, click Next.

Note: You can download the Right-Hand logo. If you do not want to show it to your users, tick on Do not display it for the users.

5. Now, navigate to your company Settings > Integrations > Add Integrations → copy your SAML configurations.

6. Go back to OKTA and paste these settings into the Configure SAML tab and click Next.

7. Click I'm an OKTA customer adding an internal app and tick the checkbox This is an internal app that we have created and click Finish to complete the setup process.

8. Click Right-Hand Application > Sign On > View Setup Instructions and copy IdP SSO Entry Point, issuer, and cert fingerprints.

Enabling OKTA via Marketplace

In order to enable OKTA via Marketplace, you must follow the steps below:

1. Navigate to Okta Dashboard > Applications.

2. Click Browse App catalog.

3. Click Cyber Ready by Right-Hand Cybersecurity in the search data.

4. Click on Add Integration to add Right-Hand cybersecurity.

5. Click Done in the App name field. Once you're done with the Application Label.

6. Under the Sign-On tab, click the Edit button in Settings

7. Now, navigate to your company Settings > Integrations > Add Integrations → copy your SAML configurations.

8. Under SAML Signing Certificates, click on Generate New certificate

9. Click on Actions - View IdP Metadata

Steps for OKTA Integration in RH using Manual Inputs

  1. Goto Settings > Integrations > Add Integrations.

  2. Choose Select IdP as Okta.

  3. Provide a Valid IdP Integration Name.

  4. For the other 3 input fields, use the below data from already configured OKTA.

    a) IdP SSO Entry Point

    • SSO tab Metadata URL

    b) Issuer

    • SSO tab Issuer

    c) Certificate

    • Download Signing Certificate

How to fetch XML file

  1. Goto OKTA application and open the manually configured RH app.

  2. Under the Sign On tab, copy the Metadata URL.

  3. Paste it in any browser and save the file as XML.

Steps for OKTA Integration in RH using XML

  1. Goto SettingsIntegrationAdd Integration.

  2. Choose Select IdP as Okta.

  3. Provide a Valid IdP Integration Name.

  4. Use the XML file to upload in the Upload XML Metadata field.

  5. After successful upload, this will automatically fill the remaining 3 fields.

    1. IdP SSO Entry Point

    2. Issuer

    3. IdP Cert Fingerprint (.Pem File)

  6. Click on Save.

  7. Newly added Integration will be listed in the Connectors list.

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