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How to analyse Phishing Dashboard?
Soumalya Mitra avatar
Written by Soumalya Mitra
Updated over a week ago

To access the Phishing dashboard, click on Dashboard in the left navigation menu. Then click on the Phishing tab at the top to see the Phishing Dashboard. The Phishing dashboard has 4 sections.

1. Phishing Risk Score

This section displays the company phishing risk score. The company phishing risk score is divided into 3 sections viz.

a. Risk Score = 0 to 10

b. Risk Score = 10 to 30

c. Risk Score = 30 to 100

You can also see which type of engagement has contributed to the company phishing risk score. The following type of engagements influence the company phishing risk score.

a. Email opened

b. Link Clicked

c. Data Submitted

d. Email Replied

e. Attachment Opened

If you find that a particular engagement has contributed a lot to the company phishing score, then you can send more campaigns which focus and test the user in that behaviour

It is recommended that your company ideally have a company phishing risk score between 0 to 10. A risk score higher than that implies that your employees are either not aware of various cybersecurity challenges or they don't know how to face such challenges. A company starting their cybersecurity awareness journey would initially have a high score and as the employees learn and become aware of cybersecurity challenges and ways to mitigate them, your company phishing risk score will start improving. The goal should be to always minimize the phishing risk score as much as possible

2. Campaign Performance

This section displays how the phishing risk score has changed over the selected time period. Sending Phishing Readiness campaigns to test employees ensures that employees are being constantly trained to identify and mitigate phishing risks to the company

3. Most Vulnerable Email Templates

This section displays which phishing email templates got the most engagement. Engaging with phishing emails (simulation or real) is risky behaviour and increases the company phishing risk score. This section helps you identify which phishing email templates got the highest engagement so that you can plan suitable trainings to make employees aware of the risks. You should also send more email templates which are similar to templates which received high engagement so that you can test your employees

4. Recommendations

This section provides recommendations to help improve you company phishing risk score

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